Sunday, 22 January 2023

PowerShell script to backup/restore procedures for Migrating each database


Below is the PowerShell script that will implement backup/restore procedures for each database which we want to migrate to complete the migration :

#region Load Assemblies and Global Error Handling

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( `

      "Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | Out-Null;

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( `

      "Microsoft.SqlServer.SMOExtended") | Out-Null;


# Simple global exception handling to see SQL Server errors

trap {

            $Exc = $_.Exception;

            while ( $Exc.InnerException )


                  $Exc = $Exc.InnerException;

                  Write-Warning ("(generic trap) " + $Exc.Message);






#region Event Handlers

$PercentCompleteHandler = `

      [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.PercentCompleteEventHandler] `


            Write-Host ([string]$_.Percent + " percent processed.");


$CompleteHandler = `

      [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerMessageEventHandler] `


            Write-Host $_.Error.Message;




#region Functions definition

function Get-SQLInstance($InstanceName, $Login, $Password)


      $SQLInstance = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" `


      if ($Login -eq $null) {

            $SQLInstance.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = $true;


      else {

            $SQLInstance.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = $false;

            $SQLInstance.ConnectionContext.Login = $Login;

            $SQLInstance.ConnectionContext.Password = $Password;


      # Force connection to get an early error message


      return $SQLInstance;


function DatabaseFullBackup ($SQLInstance, $DatabaseName, $BackupPath)


      $Backup = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Backup";

      $Backup.Action = "Database";

      $Backup.Database = $DatabaseName;

      $Backup.Initialize = $true;

      $Backup.CopyOnly = $true;

      $Backup.Devices.AddDevice($BackupPath + "\" + $DatabaseName + ".bak" `

                                                , "File");







function RestoreDatabaseFromFullBackup ($DestinationSQLInstance, $DatabaseName `

                                                , $BackupPath, $DataFilesPath, $LogFilesPath)


      $Restore = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore";

      $Restore.FileNumber = 1;

      $Restore.Devices.AddDevice($BackupPath + "\" + $DatabaseName + ".bak"`

                                                , "File");


      foreach ($File in $Restore.ReadFileList($DestinationSQLInstance))


            $NewFile = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.relocatefile";

            $NewFile.LogicalFileName = $File.LogicalName;


            #Primary Data File

            if    ($File.FileID -eq 1 -and $DataFilesPath -ne "")


                  $NewFile.PhysicalFileName = ($DataFilesPath + "\" + $DatabaseName `

                                                                  + "_" + $File.LogicalName + ".mdf");


            #Secondary Data File

            elseif      ($File.Type -eq "D" -and $DataFilesPath -ne "")


                  $NewFile.PhysicalFileName = ($DataFilesPath + "\" + $DatabaseName`

                                                                  + "_" + $File.LogicalName + ".ndf");


            #Log File

            elseif      ($File.Type -eq "L" -and $LogFilesPath -ne "")


                  $NewFile.PhysicalFileName = ($LogFilesPath + "\" + $DatabaseName `

                                                                  + "_" + $File.LogicalName + ".ldf");



            if ($NewFile.PhysicalFileName -ne $null) {





      $Restore.Database = $DatabaseName;

      $Restore.ReplaceDatabase = $true;

      $Restore.NoRecovery = $false;

      $Restore.Action = "Database";









#region Main


$SourceSQLInstanceName = "DESKTOP-02JIB76";                    # Mention your Source Instance Name

$DestinationSQLInstanceName = "DESKTOP-02JIB76\INS17";         # Mention your Destination InstanceName


$BackupPath = "E:\Backup\INS17\";                              # Mention your Backup Path which can be your Local Path or Shared Path


$DataFilesPath = "D:\INS17\DATA";                              # Mention your Destination DATA File Path

$LogFilesPath = "D:\INS17\LOG";                                # Mention your Destination LOG File Path


$DatabaseNames = "BLOB","panda","dbareports";                  # Mention your Databases Names which are needed to Migrate



$SourceSQLInstance = Get-SQLInstance $SourceSQLInstanceName;

$DestinationSQLInstance = Get-SQLInstance $DestinationSQLInstanceName;


foreach ($DatabaseName in $DatabaseNames)


      Write-Host ("`nBackup database [" + $DatabaseName + "]");

      DatabaseFullBackup      $SourceSQLInstance $DatabaseName $BackupPath;


      Write-Host ("`nRestore database [" + $DatabaseName + "]");

      RestoreDatabaseFromFullBackup       $DestinationSQLInstance $DatabaseName `

                                                      $BackupPath $DataFilesPath $LogFilesPath;




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PowerShell script to backup/restore procedures for Migrating each database

  Below is the PowerShell script that will implement backup/restore procedures for each database which we want to migrate to complete the mi...